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Testing Strategy
Tue May 07 2024

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Instead of hiring dedicated QA staff, startups should leverage AI to automate testing through their existing engineering teams. Engineers can use AI test writing assistants to generate and maintain robust test suites rapidly.

Why Startups Shouldn't Hire QA Staff

The Traditional QA Hiring TrapWhen it comes to quality assurance for startups, the traditional approach of hiring dedicated QA staff can be a costly and inefficient use of limited resources. Startups need to be lean, nimble, and laser-focused on building a great product that customers love. Hiring specialists for every function slows you down and strains the budget.

Empower Engineers with AI for QA

The better path is to empower your existing engineering team to handle QA through intelligent automation powered by AI. Have your developers use AI test writing assistants to rapidly generate robust test suites covering unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests. Modern AI can analyze your application's code and architecture to automatically create comprehensive tests tailored to your product.

AI Test Maintenance Advantage

Not only does this massively speed up test creation, but the AI can then dynamically maintain those tests as your application evolves through future development iterations. Any time code changes are made, the AI can instantly update the corresponding tests to prevent regressions and ensure proper coverage.

Leverage AI Test Execution Platforms

But manually running and monitoring all those automated tests can still be tedious and time-consuming for your engineers. That's where services like Stably AI come in - an AI-powered test execution platform. Simply connect your test suite, and Stably runs every test in parallel across a cloud-based grid of browsers and devices. Detailed results are analyzed by Stably's AI to highlight issues, identify root causes, recommend fixes, and even automatically maintain the tests.

Streamlined Quality through AI

This modern AI-driven approach to QA enables even startups with limited staff and budget to achieve exceptional test coverage through intelligent automation. Your engineers stay focused on building new product innovations while the AI handles arduous testing tasks. No QA hires required; just streamlined engineering workflows producing higher quality software faster.

Maximizing Your Startup's Runway

As a startup, you must spend every dollar and hire wisely to maximize runway. Bringing on dedicated QA roles is often an inefficient tax that constrains your ability to address true product priorities. Leverage the latest in AI testing technology, and empower your existing engineering team to "shift-left" robust quality processes into the core DevOps cycle. Your customers and investors will appreciate the quality results at a fraction of the cost.

Posted by
Jinjing Liang
Jinjing Liang
Ex-Google, CEO of Stably
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